March 18, 2017


and its importance to our lives……because we are all emotional beings…horses and humans…..

I was asked this week why it might be relevant for us to know about the “life purpose” of a horse. Horses, like us have a life purpose. I am sure we have all had an experience of doing something because we love it and doing something we don’t want to do, but are forced, for some reason to do. When we are living our purpose, we feel great.

Remember and recall in your mind, how effortless it feels to do something you love. Usually, even if it is a lot of work, it feels like fun. Remember what that feels like…..

Now, remember and recall in your mind having to do something that was a tedious and onerous task that you hated. Remember what that feels like……

Now imagine that you could spend your time either doing that thing you loved, or that thing you hated. How would you feel after a week, a month, a year, or many years of both? Can you imagine being happier and happier doing the thing you loved….and, more and more depressed after doing the thing you experienced as onerous?

Horses are no different than humans. We both have preferences, likes, dislikes and passions. WE both have things that will literally make us stronger when we do then and weaker when we don’t. Our purpose makes us stronger. WE feel so much better when we spend time doing what we love, and so much worse doing what we don’t love. Our lives are formed around the emotion we experience as it relates to how we feel about ourselves and what we do. Our reality is literally created by the things we do and the emotion we feel about it.

In my observation the primary thing that causes illness (physical and emotional) and accidents in horses, is keeping them in ways that are misaligned with species specific emotional and physiological needs. The second major cause is forcing a horse to do something that is not his preference…his passion….his purpose. Imagine if you hated your job year after year. That very well may make you sick. The same is the case for horses.

Some horses, although they have great and strong bodies never want to be athletes for example. Imagine being forced into athletics if you don’t want to do that. Imagine the daily routine. Just because a horse had the conformation and temperament to do that, does not mean he wants to. Is it fair to decide unilaterally what a horse will do with his life, or is it fair to work to develop the ability to communicate clearly, so that you can provide the best opportunities for your horse? And, isn’t this true equine welfare..??

This very interesting article presents the research linking emotions to our we create our experience and even the substance of our reality….

New Research Shocks Scientists: Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality!
