Last time I wrote about some current base lines related to fear programs…some working as they were designed into our physiology and some not.
I am continuously intrigued by videos, photos and stories going around on social media these days about animals and how interesting behaviours and alliances are emerging. Yesterday it was a guy playing a piano for two rescue elephants. One of the elephants was swaying his hind end to the fast music….the other swayed and from time to time pounded the keyboard with his trunk. A few weeks ago it was the elk in a zoo saving a marmot from drowning in his water trough. A few years ago it was Jessica the hippo who slept under a pink comforter at night and had free rein of the house of her human companions.
This takes me back to the idea of…..Life Beyond the Fear Program. What happens when as a human we live devoid of fear? How can we evolve to the next level?…….to become an expression of human that is almost unimaginable since life without fear is not a part of our recent past? What happens when humanity no longer has any need to focus on the concept of survival but only becoming better….kinder….wiser…..more just? Do you think that when there is that shift of focus the necessities of life still get taken care of….just in a different way and through a different mechanism?
The Zoo where the elk resides said this about why such an animal would pull a marmot out of a trough and then nudge it with his hoof to check on his condition and possibly help it revive…..…“the basic needs are being met so you start seeing a little bit more elaborate behaviour….. they are engaging their brains in a different way that would have been basically for survival. But now it is a little more complicated and advanced.”
I think about that quote……and then I think about what was in part 1 of this blog. Humanity has basically been in survival mode with the fear program loop. What are the possibilities if we choose, en masse to step out of the program? Who can we become as individuals and a collective if we all just decide to redirect all our focus and energy into our own evolution without worrying “what if……….” What would humans, our horses and all other animals be like if “survival” was not their primary focus when they interface with their world? If these stories are any indication of what is possible I can’t wait to see how this all plays out down the road! This evolution has only just begun.
With Peace and Love,
Until next time —H